Getting Started

This page is intended to be a starting point for those interested in adopting a hamster. We’ve included some common topics as well as enclosure examples for inspiration.

Review the Basic Hamster Care video

Review our guides

Review common topics

Enclosure Size

Research into hamster welfare has evolved significantly in recent years, and there is a lot of confusing information online to have to muddle through. The vast majority of cages and toys marketed for hamsters in the US are outdated. 

All species of hamsters need at minimum 775 square inches of continuous floor space as established by the Veterinary Association for Animal Welfare (TVT) in Germany. It is the only existing standard that is backed by scientific research.

775sqin is equivalent to a 75 gallon tank, for reference.

Hamsters and Children

Hamsters and Other Pets

Hamsters, Room, Environment & Stability

Enclosure Inspiration